Friday, October 27, 2006

Constitution Sheet Checklist

Here is the constitution checklist from today's class. We'll be talking about each group's outcomes on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Class Notes -- Alliances and Diffusion of Democracy

Here are the class notes for today's class.

Class Notes -- Crises (continued)

Here are the notes for today's class.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Class Notes -- Crises

Here are the slides for today's class on crises.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Class Project description for PS321

Here is a description of the class project for PS321 Democratization.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Arms Races and Conflict -- Project assignment

Here are the class notes from today's class meeting.

UPDATE: Also included on the PowerPoint slides is a description of the project.

Imposed Democracy Class Notes

Here are the notes for today's class.

Enterline and Greig reading for Democratization

Here is a link to the reading on imposed democracies. You may have to be on campus (or using a proxy through the library's website) in order to view it.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Class Notes -- Territorial Threat and the Development of the State

Here is the Power Point presentation for today's class.

North Korea goes nuclear

Here is the New York Times article describing the nuclear test in North Korea.

Here is an article from the Times of London that describes the border relationship between China and North Korea. Note: read all the way to the end for some potential ramifications of chaos in North Korea. From Reuters, here is China's reaction following the explosion.

Here is a map of North Korea and the rest of East Asia. Expand the map once, and the United States is viewable.

UPDATE: Here is a description of the likely test. And here is coverage President Bush's statement following the test.

Notes for class -- alliances and conflict

Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentation on alliances and conflict for today's class.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Notes for class -- region, democracy and conflict

Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentation on the relationship between region, democracy and conflict.

Notes for class -- power and conflict

Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentation on the relationship between power and conflict.