Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summary Statistics for Exam 1

The results are in for the first exam, and here are some brief summary statistics:

Note that your test has several numbers. The first number represents your total points on the multiple choice (out of 100). The second number is your total for the identify (out of 20). The sum of those two numbers is your raw score for the test (out of 120). I added 10 points to everyone's test, so your final grade is the raw score, plus 10 points, divided by 120. (NOTE: If you participated in the simulation, you should add 12 points to the raw score and then divide by 120.)

Total Number of Exams: 21
Mean score: 94.7
Modes: 98 (2 exams) and 102 (2 exams)
Range: 115 to 65 (the full description is below)

CURVE: These statistics include a 10 point curve that I added.

NOTE(!): I regressed the effect of attendance on overall grade for the exam. After controlling for several other factors, missing one class decreased a test score by almost 7 points, on average. Thus, if a student misses four classes, then student is likely to score an 72, AFTER the curve, holding everything else constant. Attendance matters!

examgrade | Freq. Percent Cum.
65 | 1 4.76 4.76
71 | 1 4.76 9.52
76 | 1 4.76 14.29
86 | 1 4.76 19.05
87 | 1 4.76 23.81
89 | 1 4.76 28.57
90 | 1 4.76 33.33
94 | 1 4.76 38.10
95 | 1 4.76 42.86
96 | 1 4.76 47.62
98 | 2 9.52 57.14
99 | 1 4.76 61.90
100 | 1 4.76 66.67
102 | 2 9.52 76.19
103 | 1 4.76 80.95
104 | 1 4.76 85.71
107 | 1 4.76 90.48
112 | 1 4.76 95.24
115 | 1 4.76 100.00
Total | 21 100.00

Class Notes -- Chapter 7 (What is Power?)

Here are today's notes for class.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Class Notes -- Chapter 6 (Domestic Politics)

Here are the notes for today's class.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Class Notes -- Chapter 4 (Structural Theories)

Here are the notes for today's class.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Class Notes -- Chapter 3 (Strategic Interactions)

Here are the notes for today's class.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Class Notes -- Chapter 2 (Evaluating Arguments)

Here are the notes from today's class.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Syllabus for PSC204 Summer 2007

Here is a copy of the syllabus for this summer's class.